The Outlaws Of Ennor. MICHAEL JECKS First edition. Signed by the author on the title page. Fine in fine dust jacket. On a return trip from … $25.00
The Pale Companion. PHILIP GOODEN First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Historical mystery set in 1601 finds a traveling group of actors to give a … $25.00
The Pendragon Banner. SYLVIAN HAMILTON First edition. Signed with Orion bookplate laid-in. Fine in dust jacket. Sir Richard Straccan, ex-crusader and bone-pedlar, is in pursuit … $25.00
The Plague Lord. PAUL DOHERTY First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Thirteenth-century China, and the legendary Kublai Khan seeks advice from the Venetian Marco … $30.00
The Problem Of The Missing Miss. ROBERTA ROGOW First edition. Signed by the author. Author's first novel. Fine in dust jacket. In the summer of 1885, in the … $45.00
The Queen's Head. EDWARD MARSTON Nicholas Bracewell serves as book holder for Lord Westfield's Men, a troupe of actors headquartered at the Queen's Head Inn. … $35.00
The Ravens Of Blackwater. A.E. MARSTON First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Volume II of the Domesday Books. The small village of Maldon is controlled … $75.00
The Riddle Of St Leonard's. CANDACE ROBB First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. The year is 1369 and the atmosphere in the city of York is … $30.00
The Roaring Of The Labyrinth. CLIO GRAY First edition. Fine in dust jacket. A country estate named Astonishment Hall in Yorkshire, is full of weird and wonderful … $45.00
The Sacrilege. An Spqr Mystery JOHN MADDOX ROBERTS First edition. Signed. PBO. Near fine in pictorial wrappers. Third book in the series. When a secret sacred woman's rite … $40.00
The Scent Of Death ANDREW TAYLOR First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in dust jacket. "This is the story of a woman and a city. … $40.00
The Serpents Of Harbledown. A.E. MARSTON First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Fifth in the Domesday Chronicles set in York after the 11th Century. Ralph … $30.00
The Soul Slayer. PAUL DOHERTY First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. A terrifying tale of sixteenth century Europe, in which a country girl falls … $25.00
The Stationmaster's Farewell. EDWARD MARSTON First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in fine dust jacket. 1857. Only when the bonfire finally dies down, the … $45.00
The Subtle Serpent. PETER TREMAYNE First edition. Fine in dust jacket. When two nuns pull a decapitated corpse from their drinking well, Sister Fidelma travels … $95.00
The West Is Still Wild. Romance Of The Present And The Past. HARRY CARR First edition. 8vo. Inscribed by the author "For Capt. Morris Posner, with best wishes, Harry Carr." Cloth, title and author … $175.00
Tom-All-Alone's. LYNN SHEPHERD First edition. Signed, lined, and dated by the author. Fine in pictorial boards as issued with a promotional postcard laid-in. … $50.00
Wobble To Death. PETER LOVESEY First edition. Author's first novel. Signed by the author. Laid-in is an inked letter signed from the author in which … $350.00
Wobble To Death. PETER LOVESEY First U. S. edition. Author's first novel. Fine in lightly rubbed, black dust jacket Introduces Insp. Cribb to solve the … $125.00
Wobble To Death. PETER LOVESEY First edition. Author's first novel. Signed by the author. Page edges uniformly tanned, else fine in price-clipped dust jacket with … $350.00