The Bone-Pedlar. SYLVIAN HAMILTON First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. Introducing Sir Richard Straccan, ex-crusader and dealer in holy relics, in … $35.00
The Buffalo Soldiers. A Narrative Of The Negro Cavalry In The West. WILLIAM H. LECKIE First edition. 8vo. Original yellow cloth, xiv, 290 pp., foreword, illustrated, maps, list of abbreviations used in footnotes, bibliography, index. … $175.00
The Coffin Lane Murders. ALANNA KNIGHT First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Inspector Faro investigates the brutal murder of a young woman. If she was … $25.00
The Crystal Skull. MANDA SCOTT First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in dust jacket. A life-sized blue crystal skull made by the Maya to … $35.00
The Darkening Glass. PAUL DOHERTY First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in fine dust jacket. March 1312: England is once again divided. Edward II … $35.00
The Detective Wore Silk Drawers. PETER LOVESEY First edition. Author's second mystery novel. Lightly foxed throughout else a very good copy in lightly rubbed dust jacket, with … $25.00
The Excursion Train. EDWARD MARSTON First edition. Fine in fine dust jacket. The second in the series set on the grand railways of the 19th … $35.00
The Fate Of Princes. P.C. DOHERTY First edition. Fine in dust jacket. The mystery of the Prince in the Tower has fascinated historians as much as … $150.00
The Fencing Master. ARTURO PEREZ-REVERTE First U.S. edition. Advance reading copy. Originally published in Spain. Fine in pictorial wrappers. Revolution is in the air in … $55.00
The Fencing Master. ARTURO PEREZ-REVERTE First English translation edition. Originally published in Spain. Fine in dust jacket. Revolution is in the air in Spain in … $200.00
The Fencing Master. ARTURO PEREZ-REVERTE First English translation edition. Originally published in Spain. Fine in dust jacket. There's political unrest in Madrid in 1868. Fencing … $175.00
The Great Crown Jewels Robbery Of 1303. PAUL DOHERTY First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Many people know of Colonel Blood's attempt to steal the Crown Jewels during … $45.00
The Grim Reaper. BERNARD KNIGHT First edition. Fine in dust jacket. May 1195, and Sir John de Wolfe is faced with a strange series of … $45.00
The Grizzly In The Southwest. Documentary Of An Extinction. DAVID E BROWN First edition. Cloth, 274pp. numerous illustrations, maps, diagrams. Foreword. Preface, Introduction. Appendices. References. Index. The author chronicles the grizzly's demise … $60.00
The Haunted Abbot. PETER TREMAYNE First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Sister Fidelma and Brother Eadulf are summoned by Eadulf's childhood friend, Brother Botulf, to … $28.00
The Hawks Of Delamere. EDWARD MARSTON First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in dust jacket. Seventh in the Domesday series. Who shot the Earl's finest … $35.00
The Heretic's Apprentice. Original Carbon Typescript Manuscript. ELLIS PETERS The original carbon typescript manuscript, signed and corrected in the author's hand of THE HERETIC'S APPRENTICE. The book was originally … $1,750.00
The Horus Killings. PAUL DOHERTY First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. The widow of Pharoah Tuthmosis II would like to be supreme ruler, but … $55.00
The House Of The Red Slayer. PAUL HARDING First edition. Signed twice by the author. Page edges uniformly tanned, else fine in dust jacket with light professional restoration … $175.00
The Julius Caesar Murder Case. WALLACE IRWIN First edition. Author's only mystery novel. Cloth spine imperceptibly darkened, else a fine, fresh copy in dust jacket lightly sunned … $875.00
The King's Bishop. CANDACE ROBB First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Approximately 150 copies were printed for the "true" first edition of this book. … $65.00
The Longbow Murder. VICTOR LUHRS First edition. Author's first book. Cloth spine lightly faded, page edges uniformly tanned, else fine in dust jacket with minor, … $450.00
The Lost Diary Of Samuel Pepys JACK JEWERS First edition. Signed by the author. Author's first novel. As new, unread copy in dust jacket. It's the summer of … $75.00
The Love Knot. [DOHERTY, PAUL]. ALEXANDER, VANESSA First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Spring, 1297. A recently widowed young woman is looking forward to the visit … $50.00
The Loving Cup. [DOHERTY, PAUL]. ALEXANDER, VANESSA First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. Samuel Atkins and Maria Eleanora are deeply in love. He is a poor … $35.00
The Mamur Zapt And The Girl In The Nile. MICHAEL PEARCE First edition. Bump to lower front fore edge else fine in dust jacket with 1/4" chip to lower front fore … $65.00
The Man In Grey. Being Episodes Of The Chouan Conspiracies In Normandy During The … BARONESS ORCZY First edition. Former owner's embossed name and evidence of an erasure on front fly leaf, back cover mottled, with some … $75.00
The Mark Of A Murderer. SUSANNA GREGORY First edition. 8vo. Signed by the author. The eleventh book in the series. Fine in dust jacket. On St Scholastica's … $30.00
The Minnesota, Forgotten River EVAN JONES First edition. *Rivers of America series.* 8vo. Tan cloth, [12], 306 pp., many illustrations, maps, bibliography, index. Illustrated by Harry … $75.00
The Nun's Tale. CANDACE ROBB First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Fine in dust jacket lightly sunned on the spine. In the year 1365, a … $75.00