The Solstice Man. DERRY QUINN First edition. Minor bump to front corner else fine in price-clipped dust jacket with light wear to bottom corner of … $25.00
The Sovereign Solution. MICHAEL M. MCNAMARA First U. K. edition. Fine in dust jacket. Dennis Hegarty, an FBI agent, has infiltrated the East Coast wing of … $15.00
The Sovereign Solution. MICHAEL M. MCNAMARA First edition. Fine in dust jacket. "An FBI agent joins the IRA in an assassination attempt on Queen Elizabeth during … $20.00
The Spy Game. GEORGINA HARDING First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in fine dust jacket. On a freezing January morning in 1961, eight-year-old Anna's … $55.00
The Spy Who Died Of Boredom. GEORGE MIKES First edition. Very good in price-clipped dust jacket with light wear to foot of spine. When the KGB come for … $25.00
The Tailor Of Panama. JOHN le CARRE First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Harry Pendel, Jewish-Irish foster child. is the guiding genius of Pendel and Braithwaite Limitada, … $55.00
The Tears Of Autumn. CHARLES MCCARRY First edition. Fine, bright, square copy in dust jacket. Second book in this fine espionage series. From this fine American … $175.00
The Third Man And The Fallen Idol. GRAHAM GREENE First edition. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to spine ends and the extremities. Rollo Martins comes to Vienna, … $1,500.00
The Tide Can't Wait. LOUIS TRIMBLE First edition. Light soiling to page edges of front and rear free endpapers else fine in dust jacket with light … $55.00
The Trinity Six. CHARLES CUMMING First edition. Fine in dust jacket. If you remember the infamous spy ring, all of whom were Cambridge graduates, and … $50.00
The Valhalla Exchange. HARRY PATTERSON First U.K. edition. Fine in dust jacket. Early on the morning of April 30, 1945, Russian radar reported a small … $100.00
The Vienna Pursuit. ANTHEA GODDARD First edition. Author's first book. Small inked letter "R" on front fly leaf and pages edges uniformly tanned, else fine … $25.00
The Visiting Professor. ROBERT LITTELL First edition. Review copy with papers laid-in. Fine in fine dust jacket. When Lemuel Falk first arrives from the Soviet … $25.00
The Wedding Guest. DAVID WILTSE First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. Peter Stanhope's brother, Austin, intercepts highly classified information concerning aid to … $110.00
The Westminster Disaster. HOYLE, FRED AND GEOFFREY HOYLE [EDITED BY BARBARA First edition. Fine in dust jacket. The world's shortage of high-grade uranium and the action needed to obtain it turns … $35.00
The White Russian. TOM BRADBY First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in dust jacket. This writer improves with each book he writes. His last … $35.00
The World Is Not Enough - A Companion. IAIN JOHNSTONE First edition. First state. ISBN number on verso of title page is different from number on dust jacket. Very fine … $30.00
The Year Of The Scorpion. MICHAEL HARTLAND First edition. Limited edition of 75 numbered copies signed by the author. This is copy 55. With appreciations by Eric … $150.00
The Year Of The Scorpion. MICHAEL HARTLAND First edition. Limited edition of 75 numbered copies signed by the author. This is copy 57. With appreciations by Eric … $150.00
Three Decades To Doom. DAVID ANTHONY OXLEY First edition. Fine in dust jacket with very light wear to the extremities. Two men are found dead, dressed only … $25.00
Thunderball. IAN FLEMING First edition. First issue binding. 8vo. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Basis for the film of the same name … $1,050.00
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. JOHN le CARRE Movie tie-in edition. Signed by John le Carre on the title page. The movie tie-in edition with color photograph of … $225.00
To Catch A King. HARRY PATTERSON First edition. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to head and toe of spine. 20th Century Crime & Mystery … $100.00
To Catch A Spy. CHRIS SCOTT First edition. Fine in dust jacket. A British traitor turns up in Russia and nine months later Radio Moscow announces … $45.00
To Die Elsewhere THEODORE WILDEN First edition. Inscribed by Wilden *"To John Le Carre after 12 years -- with admiration. Theodore Wilden, London 22 VI … $475.00
Tomorrow's Ghost. ANTHONY PRICE First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Frances Fitzgibbons, a young Army widow, is sent on an assignment to bury a … $125.00
Toxic JAMIE DOWARD First Edition. Fine in dust jacket that is with light wrinkling to top edge of front panel. "The mutilated body … $15.00
Triple. KEN FOLLETT First edition. Author's second book. Fine in dust jacket. A fascinating account of how Israel might have acquired nuclear capability, … $175.00
Troubleshooter. DAVID DODGE First edition. Fine in dust jacket. An unexplained flood of diamonds into the U.S. market is cause to send John … $65.00
Ultimatum FRANK GARDNER First edition. Signed by the author. As new, unread copy in fine dust jacket. Deep within a cave system at … $45.00