The Knife Behind The Curtain. Tales Of Crime And The Secret Service. VALENTINE WILLIAMS First U. S. edition. Fine in a fine bright dust jacket. Thirteen short stories of crime and the secret service. … $375.00
The Knife Behind The Curtain. Tales Of Crime And The Secret Service. VALENTINE WILLIAMS First U. S. edition. Stain to rear cloth panel else near fine copy in a fine bright dust jacket. Thirteen … $250.00
The Last Heroes. JOHN GILL First edition. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to foot of spine and a small closed tear to bottom … $25.00
The Last Supper. CHARLES MCCARRY First edition. Inked gift inscription on the front free fly leaf: *"To Carolyn and Otto, / who packed the house … $275.00
The Lieutenants - Brotherhood Of War - Book I. W.E.B. GRIFFIN First hardcover edition. Fine in dust jacket. The first book in the exciting and authentic Brotherhood Of War series. The … $225.00
The Lights Of Skaro. DAVID DODGE First edition. Fine in dust jacket with minute wear to head of spine. Two people who have learned a secret … $45.00
The Lion Is Rampant. ROSS LAIDLAW First edition. Author's first book. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket. A political thriller, in which a man returns to Scotland … $35.00
The Luneburg Variation. PAOLO MAURENSIG First U.K. edition. Translated from the Italian by Jon Rothschild. Fine in dust jacket. The body of Dr. Dieter Frisch, … $35.00
The Madness Of July JAMES NAUGHTIE First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in dust jacket. It is a hot July in the mid-1970s, and for … $65.00
The Man From Yesterday. GEORGE MARKSTEIN First edition. Author's second book. Fine in dust jacket. Espionage between friends and espionage between Britain and the United States … $150.00
The Man In Grey. Being Episodes Of The Chouan Conspiracies In Normandy During The … BARONESS ORCZY First edition. Former owner's embossed name and evidence of an erasure on front fly leaf, back cover mottled, with some … $75.00
The Man Who Heard Too Much BILL GRANGER First edition. Fine in dust jacket. The tenth November Man novel. In this novel Devereaux, the November Man, must work … $45.00
The Man Who Wanted Tomorrow. BRIAN FREEMANTLE First edition. Author's third book. Publicity brochure laid-in. Former owner's inked name on front fly leaf, else fine in dust … $225.00
The Mask Of Dimitrios ERIC AMBLER First edition. Signed and inscribed on the title page in ink by the author to fellow mystery writer and journalist … $19,500.00
The Masterless Men. J.K. MAYO First edition. Pseudonym of Bill Watson. Fine in dust jacket. After the Iron Curtain has been torn down, the question … $40.00
The Maze Of Cadiz. ALY MONROE First edition. Author's first novel. Signed by the author. Fine in fine dust jacket. September 1944, just five years after … $55.00
The Mexican Assassin. HARTSHORNE First U. S. edition. Pseudonym of Richard Blum, who authored three mystery novels between the late 1970s and early 1980s. … $25.00
The Miernik Dossier. CHARLES MCCARRY First edition. Author's first espionage novel. Fine, bright, copy in dust jacket. Red top edges are bright and unfaded. Introduces … $475.00
The Naive And Sentimental Lover. JOHN le CARRE First edition. Fine in fine, bright, unfaded dust jacket. The rise and fall of Aldo Cassidy, a man caught between … $575.00
The Nine Waxed Faces. FRANCIS BEEDING First paperback edition. Pocket Book 268. Near fine in pictorial wrappers. Cover art by Rudolph Belarski. Bob Hardcastle came to … $25.00
The November Man. BRIAN FREEMANTLE First edition. Fine in dust jacket. A first attempt at international peace has America and the Soviet Union dismantling their … $150.00
The Oxford Gambit JOSEPH HONE First U. S. edition. Inked name and date at top of front free fly leaf, else fine in dust jacket. … $65.00
The Paris Trap. JOSEPH HONE First edition. Author's third novel. Fine in dust jacket. An actor living in France becomes the target of a new … $75.00
The Reluctant Spy. JAMES MELVILLE First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Ben Lazenby arrives in east Java to set up a new British Council office. … $30.00
The Rio Casino Intrigue. VAN WYCK MASON First edition. Front cover of book faintly soiled, else a near fine copy in dust jacket with light wear to … $375.00
The Search For Bruno Heidler. MARLOWE, STEPHEN [LESSER, MILTON]. First edition. Fine in dust jacket with light soiling to back panel and creasing to front flap. Pseudonym of Milton … $45.00
The Secret Pilgrim. JOHN le CARRE First edition. Fine in dust jacket. The Cold War is over but, in order to train new spies for a … $55.00
The Semonov Impulse. JAMES MELDRUM First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. When the Israeli government put an end to the search for … $45.00
The Silver Mistress. PETER O'DONNELL First edition. Fine in dust jacket. While rescuing Tarrant of British Intelligence from Colonel Jim, the criminal tycoon, Modesty and … $175.00