Bahama Crisis. DESMOND BAGLEY First edition. Fine in dust jacket. A deadly game of hide and seek is played on Bahama island as one … $35.00
Because The Night. JAMES ELLROY First edition. Inscribed. Fine in dust jacket with tiny wear to head of spine and very light rubbing to front … $350.00
Between Summer's Longing And Winter's End. LEIF G.W. PERSSON First U.K. edition. First edition was published in Swedish in 2002. Translated from the Swedish by Paul Norlen. Fine in … $60.00
Big Fish. THOMAS PERRY First edition. Fine, unread copy in dust jacket. A story of two charming, relatively small-time gunrunners who become embroiled in … $30.00
Black Sunday. THOMAS HARRIS First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to the extremities and three 2" light creases … $400.00
Blindfold. LUCILLE FLETCHER First U. K. edition. Fine in dust jacket lightly soiled on rear panel and light wear to head of spine. … $50.00
Blockbuster. STEPHEN BARLAY First U. S. edition. Review copy with slips laid-in. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to bottom edge of … $20.00
Blood On The Moon. JAMES ELLROY First edition. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket. Someone is stalking the streets of Los Angeles....someone who can match Det. Sgt. … $45.00
Blood On The Moon. JAMES ELLROY First edition. Long inscription. Fine in dust jacket. Someone is stalking the streets of Los Angeles....someone who can match Det. … $200.00
Blood On The Moon. JAMES ELLROY First edition. Full-page inscription. Fine in dust jacket with tiny wear to foredges. Someone is stalking the streets of Los … $275.00
Blood On The Moon. JAMES ELLROY First edition. Presentation inscription on the front endpaper to "Lew Buckingham" by James Ellroy. Fine, unread copy in dust jacket. … $275.00
Blood On The Moon. JAMES ELLROY First edition. Inscribed. Fine in dust jacket. Someone is stalking the streets of Los Angeles...someone who can match Det. Sgt. … $150.00
Blood Orange HARRIET TYCE First edition. Signed by the author. Author's first book. As new, unread copy in dust jacket. *Just One More Night. … $45.00
Blue Belle. ANDREW VACHSS First edition. Inscribed. Fine in fine dust jacket. A savage gang of predators is prowling the street in their "Ghost … $45.00
Brainfire. CAMPBELL BLACK First edition. Review copy with review slip laid-in. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to the extremities. Author also … $20.00
Brown's Requiem. JAMES ELLROY First edition. Author's first book. Generic inscription by the author. Fine in fine dust jacket. Fritz Brown is a former … $600.00
Butterfly On The Storm. The Heartland Trilogy. Part 1 WALTER LUCIUS First edition. Signed by the author. Translated from the Dutch by Lorraine T. Miller and Laura Vroomen. As new, unread … $45.00
By The Rivers Of Babylon. NELSON DE MILLE First edition. Author's first book. Very small black pen mark to front fly leaf, else fine in fine dust jacket. … $125.00
Cast A Yellow Shadow. ROSS THOMAS First edition. Inscribed by the author to a noted Mystery Bookseller. Fine in dust jacket with light rubbing to spine … $225.00
Cast A Yellow Shadow. ROSS THOMAS First edition. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to spine ends. Directed by an anonymous perpetrator to kill a … $125.00
Cast A Yellow Shadow. ROSS THOMAS First edition. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket with light wear to spine ends. Directed by an anonymous perpetrator to kill … $70.00
Cast A Yellow Shadow. ROSS THOMAS First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to toe of spine. Directed by an … $225.00
Cast A Yellow Shadow. ROSS THOMAS First U.K. edition. Fine in dust jacket lightly darkened on the spine. Directed by an anonymous perpetrator to kill a … $100.00
Cast The First Stone. JANE ADAMS First edition. Signed by the author. As new, unread copy in dust jacket. Eric Pearson and his family moved into … $30.00
Cathedral. NELSON DE MILLE First edition. Author's second book. Fine in dust jacket with tiny closed tear to foot of spine and to bottom … $275.00
Ceremony. A Spenser Novel. ROBERT B. PARKER First edition. Inscribed by the author. Beautiful young April Kyle has disappeared into Boston's darkest underworld. With his sidekick, Hawk, … $75.00
Chance Awakening. GEORGE MARKSTEIN First edition. Fine, bright copy in dust jacket. Michael Golly is a Russian agent living the life of an ordinary … $175.00
Chance Awakening. GEORGE MARKSTEIN First edition. Former owner's inked name on the front fly leaf, else a fine, bright copy in dust jacket. Michael … $150.00