10-Lb Penalty. DICK FRANCIS First edition. Signed by the author on the title page. Fine in dust jacket. Ben Juliard is expelled from Vivian … $45.00
Baseball Cap. ROBERT CRAIS This is a promotional baseball cap for his best selling novel, Sunset Express. This striking hat is "one size fits … $25.00
Bertie And The Tinman. From The Detective Memoirs Of King Edward Vii. PETER LOVESEY First edition. Signed by the author. Fine in fine dust jacket. In a horse racing setting, Bertie investigates the murder … $45.00
Bertie And The Tinman. From The Detective Memoirs Of King Edward Vii. PETER LOVESEY First edition. Signed by the author on the title page. Fine in dust jacket. In a horse racing setting, Albert … $40.00
Brown's Requiem. JAMES ELLROY First edition. Author's first book. Generic inscription by the author. Fine in fine dust jacket. Fritz Brown is a former … $600.00
Come To Grief. DICK FRANCIS First edition. Signed. Fine in fine dust jacket. Edgar award winner for best novel. Sid Halley has uncovered an obnoxious … $85.00
Deadeye. SAM LLEWELLYN First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Harry Frazer is a sharp lawyer and a hard sailor. While sailing up the … $45.00
Death On A Cold, Wild River. BARTHOLOMEW GILL First edition. Signed. Fine in fine dust jacket. Suspended from the Serious Crimes Unit for political reasons, former Chief Superintendent … $45.00
Death On The Center Court GEORGE GOODCHILD First U. S. edition. Although Green Circle is identified as the publisher on the title page and on the dust … $375.00
Death On The Diamond. A Baseball Mystery Story CORTLAND FITZSIMMONS First edition. 8vo. The free front fly leaf contains both the labels and stamp of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Film Studios Library as … $1,250.00
Dick Francis. A Racing Life. GRAHAM LORD First edition. Fine in dust jacket. A perceptive biography of Dick and Mary Francis that is romantic, inspiring, and deeply … $55.00
Doubting Thomas. ROBERT REEVES First edition. Author's first mystery. Introduces English professor turned investigator, Thomas Theron. "Jesus Saves," murmurs a drunk who is sprawled … $30.00
Driving Force. DICK FRANCIS First edition. Signed. Fine in fine dust jacket. Freddie Croft, a retired steeplechase jockey and owner of a fleet of … $65.00
Eavesdropper. FRANCOME, JOHN & JAMES MACGREGOR First edition. Authors' first book. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket. A horse racing thriller in the Dick Francis tradition Racing … $35.00
Fer-De-Lance. A Nero Wolfe Mystery REX STOUT First edition. *Introduces Nero Wolfe.* Fine in a fine, professionally restored dust jacket, lightly faded on the spine. Introduces Nero … $22,500.00
Field Of 13. DICK FRANCIS First edition. Signed by the author on the title page. Fine in dust jacket. A superbly crafted collection of thirteen … $30.00
Field Of 13. DICK FRANCIS First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. A superbly crafted collection of thirteen tightly plotted tales that treats readers to … $35.00
Flying Finish. DICK FRANCIS First edition thus. One of 26 lettered copies signed by the author. This is copy lettered "N." Fine, unread copy … $125.00
Follow The Sharks. WILLIAM G. TAPPLY First edition. Fine in fine dust jacket. At one time, Eddie Donagan was the fastest-rising pitcher the Boston Red Sox … $25.00
High Flyer. JOHN FRANCOME First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Successful jockey, Joey Leatham, is being blackmailed -- he knows that his tormentor could … $55.00
Hunted. RICHARD AND JOE MCN PITMAN First edition. Author's second mystery. Fine in dust jacket. Eddie Malloy is blamed for the murder of a jockey -- … $85.00
Hunting A Detroit Tiger TROY SOOS First edition. Fourth Mickey Rawlings baseball mystery. Fine in dust jacket with small chips to corners and light wear to … $20.00
Iron Man. W. R. BURNETT Large horizontal format half-sheet size poster (11x14) from the original U.S. release of the 1951 film adaptation of this boxing … $85.00
Joseph's Mansions. RICHARD WITH JOE MCNALLY PITMAN First edition. Fine in dust jacket. An ex-priest leaves the church to marry the woman he loves only to lose … $35.00
Limited Partner. MIKE LUPICA First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. When Bobby Wyman, former drug addict who is now a partner in a … $25.00
Murder On The Iditarod Trail. SUE HENRY First edition. Author's first book. Fine in fine dust jacket. Alaska's famous 1100-mile dog race is the setting -- When … $175.00
Odds Against. DICK FRANCIS First edition. Inked date on front fly leaf, else fine copy in price-clipped dust jacket with light wear to spine … $600.00
Odds Against. DICK FRANCIS First U.S. edition. Lightly rubbed at base of spine, else fine in dust jacket. Sid Halley, ex-champion steeplechase jockey, wakes … $175.00
Playing Dead. RORY McCORMAC First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. Frank Samson, a young veterinarian, jumps at the offer of a … $35.00
Polo Anyone? JERRY KENNEALY First edition. Fine in dust jacket with light wear to head and tail of spine. PI Nick Polo gets in … $45.00