When The Cat's Away. KINKY FRIEDMAN First edition. Inscribed. Fine in fine dust jacket. The search is on for a cat that disappeared from a cat … $45.00
Where The Action Is And Other Stories. PATRICIA HIGHSMITH First edition. Limited to 350 numbered copies. Signed and dated at time of publication by the author. As new, unread … $375.00
Where The Money Is. IVAN G. GOLDMAN First edition. Signed. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. While plying his trade as a shill at Bob's Beer … $35.00
Where The Truth Lies. ROSEMARY INGHAM First edition. Signed. Fine in fine dust jacket. A sexual predator at large? Or an innocent teacher unfairly hounded? $35.00
While Murder Waits JOHN ESTEVAN First edition. Fine copy in a bright unfaded dust jacket with minor nicks and tiny closed tears to the extremities. … $475.00
While She Sleeps. ETHEL LINA WHITE First U. S. edition. Fine, bright, tight copy in dust jacket, completely unfaded, with light restoration to the spine ends … $685.00
Whip Hand. W. FRANKLIN SANDERS First edition. PBO. GM s1087. Near fine in pictorial wrappers. Long rumored to have been co-written by Willeford, the recent … $375.00
Whitaker's Dukedom EDGAR JEPSON First U. S. edition. Published earlier in the U. K. as "James Whitaker's Dukedom." Faintly stamped on the dust jacket's … $450.00
White Bodies JANE ROBINS First edition. Signed by the author. As new, unread copy in dust jacket. Felix and Tilda seem like the perfect … $45.00
White Butterfly. WALTER MOSLEY First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket. One morning the police come knocking and ask Easy Rawlins for his help … $40.00
White Jazz. JAMES ELLROY Advance excerpt which includes the opening chapters of this book. Fine in pictorial wrappers. Beatings, bribes, shakedowns are all in … $50.00
White Male Heart. RUARIDH NICOLL First edition. Author's first book. Fine in dust jacket. Two long-time best friends, Hugh and Aaron, spend all their time … $30.00
White Rook. J. MADISON DAVIS First edition. Author's second book. Fine in dust jacket. Mrs. Clementine O'Dell thinks that her husband, Michael, has been murdered, … $25.00
Whitey Bulger. America's Most Wanted Gangster And The Manhunt That Brought Him To Justice KEVIN AND SHELLEY MURPHY CULLEN First edition. 8vo. Signed on the title page by both authors. Two-tone boards, titles stamped in silver on the spine, … $45.00
Whodunit: A Biblio-Bio-Anecdotal Memoir Of Frederic Dannay ELEANOR SULLIVAN First and only edition. Limited to 150 copies signed by Eleanor Sullivan, the author and long-time editor of Ellery Queen … $225.00
Who In Hell Is Wanda Fuca? G.M. FORD First edition. Signed. Author's first book. Fine in fine dust jacket. Seattle Private Detective Leo Waterman is hired by an … $75.00
Whores. JAMES CRUMLEY First edition. Limited to 26 lettered copies signed by the author. This is lettered copy "J" and is bound in … $650.00
Whores. Crumley, James Light wear to front cover else very good in printed wrappers. Crumley's story appears on pp. 9-22. $35.00
Who Rides On A Tiger MRS BELLOC LOWNDES First edition. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket professionally restored at the spine ends, corners and extremities. *"Who rides on a … $600.00
Who Was Guilty? PHILIP S./HOWARD W. MACY WARNE First edition. 8vo. Acknowledgements. Foreword. Introduction. Bibliography. Fine in fine dust jacket. Philip Schuylar Warne was the first known person … $35.00
Why They Didn't Hang Pitcher ALAN HUNTER First edition. Inscribed by Alan Hunter on the half title page "For my wife / Binky." Story appears in *"Anglian … $100.00
Wilderness. ROBERT B. PARKER First edition. Signed by the author. Aaron Newman witnesses a murder and identifies the killer as Adolph Karl, a professional … $100.00
Wild Justice GEORGE A. BIRMINGHAM First edition. Green cloth with some light spotting to the rear cover else a fine copy in a bright, fresh … $275.00
Wilful And Premeditated FREEMAN WILLS CROFTS First U. S. edition. Published in the U. K. as *THE 12:30 FROM CROYDEN.* A fine, bright, square copy in … $750.00
Window In The Dark. FRANK O'ROURKE First edition. Fine in dust jacket with crease to head of back panel and light wear to the head and … $45.00
Window In The Dark. FRANK O'ROURKE First edition. Light soiling to top edge of front panel else fine in lightly worn dust jacket. An innocent man, … $75.00
Window Next To The Killer's House. WALTER MOSLEY First edition. Pictorial wrappers. Signed by Walter Mosley. Volume XIII, Number 2, Summer 1992. A poem by Walter Mosley. From … $50.00
Winds Of Evil. ARTHUR W. UPFIELD First U. S. edition. Fine in a beautiful near fine dust jacket with a one tiny chip to bottom edge … $575.00
Wings Above The Claypan. ARTHUR W. UPFIELD First U. S. edition. Originally published in Australia in 1936 using the title WINGS ABOVE THE DIAMANTINA. Fine, bright copy … $600.00
Winter Frost. R. D. WINGFIELD First edition. Signed by the author on the title page. Page edges uniformly tanned, else a fine, bright, unread copy … $75.00