A Lawless Breed. John Wesley Hardin, Texas Reconstruction, And Violence In The Wild West CHUCK AND NORMAN WAYNE BROWN PARSONS First edition. 8vo. Signed by Chuck Parsons. Bright red cloth, titles stamped in gold gilt on the spine, xxii, 490 … $35.00
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James Madison Brown. Texas Sheriff. Texas Turfman. CHUCK PARSONS First edition. One of 300 numbered copies, signed by the author. Red cloth, xiv, 167pp., introduction by Dave Johnson, acknowledgements, … $75.00
John B. Armstrong, Texas Ranger And Pioneer Ranchman. CHUCK PARSONS First edition. 8vo. Signed by the author on the title page. Cloth, xv [3], 150 pp., frontispiece [portrait], foreword, preface, … $50.00
King Fisher, The Short Life And Elusive Legend Of A Texas Desperado CHUCK AND THOMAS C. BICKNELL PARSONS First edition. 8vo. Brown cloth, titles stamped in silver on the spine, xv [blank], 272 pp., preface, acknowledgments, prologue, illustrated … $35.00
Phil Coe: Texas Gambler CHUCK PARSONS First Edition. 8vo. #188 of a Signed Edition limited to 400 copies. Stiff Printed Wrappers, x, 40 pp. Numerous illustrations, … $55.00
Texas Ranger N. O. Reynolds, The Intrepid CHUCK AND DONALY E. BRICE PARSONS First edition. 8vo. Signed by the authors. Black cloth, pictorial photographic views on the front and rear endpapers, titles stamped … $275.00
The Capture Of John Wesley Hardin CHUCK PARSONS First Edition. Pictorial Boards. xiii, 121pp. Illustrations. Maps. Introduction. Bibliography. Index. A thoroughly researched account of the capture of Hardin, … $40.00
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They Called Him Buckskin Frank DEMATTOS, JACK; PARSONS, CHUCK First edition. Brown cloth, titles stamped in silver on spine, 239 pp., illustrated, portraits, contents, list of illustrations, acknowledgments, prologue, … $30.00