Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Wyoming Peace Officer. An Autobiography JOE LEFORS

Wyoming Peace Officer. An Autobiography


Other works by JOE LEFORS

Publication: Laramie Printing Company, 1953, Laramie

First edition. 8vo. Cloth, xiii [5], 200 pp., preface, acknowledgment, illustrated, 8 plates, appendix, index. The classic autobiography of a Wyoming lawman. "Published by the author's wife after his death, this book reveals some heretofore unwritten history about the Johnson County War and Tom Horn and other outlaws of the West. The author was the officer who trapped Horn into a confession. There is also some information on Flat-Nose George Curry and the Wild Bunch."--Ramon Adams. Appendix contains letters about Tom Horn and items from the Wyoming Stockgrowers Collection. A fine, bright copy in sharp dust jacket. ADAMS 150 95. SIX GUNS 1315. HERD 1323.

Inventory Number: 33076