Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Wilson County Texas Rangers 1837-1977. MAUDE T. GILLILAND

Wilson County Texas Rangers 1837-1977.


Other works by MAUDE T. GILLILAND

Publication: Privately Printed, 1977, NP

First edition. 8vo. Fabricoid, (10), v, 134(5)pp., illus., biblio., index. Privately printed apparently in a very small edition and becoming scarce. The author's grandfather, father, and husband were all Texas Rangers and she knows the subject well. There are stories and deeds of forty-four Texas Rangers from one south central locality of Texas---Wilson County. The author covers the history of these Rangers from 1837 until 1977. Wilson County has produced more Rangers than any other County of its size in Texas; enough to form at least four regular Ranger Companies. A fine, bright copy in a dust jacket with some modest rubbing to plain white back panel, else fine. Signed by Maude Gilliland.

Inventory Number: 52342