Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Why The Raven Calls The Canyon. Off The Grid In Big Bend Country E. DAN KLEPPER

Why The Raven Calls The Canyon. Off The Grid In Big Bend Country


Other works by E. DAN KLEPPER

Publication: Texas A & M University Press, 2017, College Station

First edition. Oblong 8vo. Dark gray cloth, titles stamped in silver on the spine, light gray front and rear endpapers, xi [1], 227 pp.,foreword, acknowledgments, introduction, illustrated (many in color), map, list of images, about the author, index. The author spent years maintaining the Fresno Ranch, an abandoned horse and mule operation located in a remote stretch of the Rio Grande bordering Mexico. In vivid images and well-considered prose, Klepper reflects on his experiences at the ranch, "witnessing the unfolding of a natural world unfettered by the overpowering human footprint that has dominated so many of our remaining wild places." Recommended for those who enjoy splendid photography, cultural and natural history enthusiasts, and fans of the Big Bend region and its austere beauty. As new, unread copy in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 43055