Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Where Nature Lavished Her Bounties. Jackson County Oregon Issued Under The Direction Of G.A. Gardner, Victor Bursell And George Alford

Where Nature Lavished Her Bounties. Jackson County Oregon

Issued Under The Direction Of G.A. Gardner, Victor Bursell And George Alford

Other works by Issued Under The Direction Of G.A. Gardner, Victor Bursell And George Alford

Publication: Daily Tidings Press, 1924, Ashland, Oregon

9 3/4" x 6 1/4" in pictorial wrappers. Illustrations. Information on Jackson County, its climate and scenery, fruit growing, fishing, hunting, the Jackson County Fair, timber resources, agriculture, irrigation, market gardening, stock and poultry raising, dairying, schools, mining, Crater Lake, Mineral Springs, Medford, Ashland, Jacksonville, Gold Hill, Central Point, Eagle Point, Rogue River, Phoenix, Talent and the area's industrial outlook. Near fine.

Inventory Number: 50895