Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Western & South Western U.S. Mail And Express Route. New York & Erie R. Road, Broad Gauge, And No Change Of Car Or Baggage. For The West, From New York City. 1857 Fall Arrangement New York & Erie Railroad

Western & South Western U.S. Mail And Express Route. New York & Erie R. Road, Broad Gauge, And No Change Of Car Or Baggage. For The West, From New York City. 1857 Fall Arrangement

New York & Erie Railroad

Other works by New York & Erie Railroad

Publication: Privately printed,1857, NP

11" x 7" printed yellow broadside. One side has a map entitled "PLAN OF THE NEW-YORK AND ERIE, RAIL-ROAD, WITH ITS CONNECTIONS." The map is of the northeast as far west as St. Paul and St. Louis. "Meals and Berths Extra on M.C. & M.S. Steamers." "Meals Extra on Cleveland Steamers." The other side includes fares to Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin, New York, Michigan, Kentucky to name a few. Includes the name of the General Eastern Agent. Both sides legible, light chipping else a good+ copy.

Inventory Number: 38128