Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Warrant- Intoxicating Liquor - Bone Dry - Manufacturing - Sales And Nuisance - Search And Seizure. State Of Kansas, Plaintiff Vs. Mary Cegielski, 1258 Homer [Street] WYANDOTTE COUNTY KANSAS

Warrant- Intoxicating Liquor - Bone Dry - Manufacturing - Sales And Nuisance - Search And Seizure. State Of Kansas, Plaintiff Vs. Mary Cegielski, 1258 Homer [Street]



Publication: Privately printed, 1923, Kansas City

Original document. (8) pp, folio. Complaint filed by Justus N. Baird, 15 January 1923, charges that the defendant "did manufacture intoxicating liquors" and "did unlawfully sell and barter malt, vinous, spiritous, fermented and other intoxicating liquors" in the "one story frame building" at 1258 Homer Street, Kansas City. This warrant also covers "bottles, glasses, jugs, kegs, barrels, cases, a still and other receptacles...." Signed by Carl W. Finche, Clerk of the District Court, 18 January 1923. With the warrant are: a 3-page statement of Information, signed by Joshua N. Baird, County Attorney; an Order of Parole for the defendant... The defendant, Mary Cegielski, apparently could not write as her mark "x" was called for on the documents. Vert good copies.

Inventory Number: 40317