Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Wanderings In The Southwest In 1855 By J. D. B. Stillman RON (EDITOR) TYLER

Wanderings In The Southwest In 1855 By J. D. B. Stillman


Other works by RON (EDITOR) TYLER

Publication: Arthur H Clark Company, 1990, Spokane

Western Frontiersman Series XXIII. Edition ltd. to 750 copies. First edition. Cloth, 193pp. Large folding map and num. illus. Stillman was a well-traveled, adventurous, 36 year-old physician from New York when he visited Texas in 1855. He traveled throughout the frontier border settlements and forts. This book is comprised of a series of Stillman's letters from the Texas wilderness giving a remarkable picture of Texas during an important and little-understood time in the state's history.During his six-month stay in Texas, Stillman commented in his letters on geography; the mixing of Spanish colonial, Mexican, southern, German, and black cultures; the settlement of west Texas and the conflicts with Indians, and the social and cultural aspects of life on the frontier. Stillman was especially interested in the German immigrant settlements along the Gulf Coast and spent considerable time there. He shared many of these people's values, especially their aversion to slavery, and enjoyed their company. He also used his medical training to gain an invitation from the Army to see the more untamed sections of West Texas. Practicing medicine as he went, Stillman visited Fort Clark; Camp Lancaster and other places in the far west along the San Antonio- El Paso road. As New. Original prospectus laid-in.

Inventory Number: 50551