Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Vanity Dies Hard. RUTH RENDELL

Vanity Dies Hard.


Other works by RUTH RENDELL

Publication: John Long, 1966, London

First edition. Author's third book. Fine, bright copy in price-clipped dust jacket. The dust jacket blurb says it best, "Alice wasn't worried about Nesta, her friend who had moved from her florist's shop, until she decided to pay her a visit and found that she had been sending letters to a house that didn't exist -- sending letters and getting replies. As she began inquiries Alice became increasingly alarmed. Did Nesta in fact leave the Bridal Wreath that night they moved the graves?" An elusive title.

Inventory Number: 45669