Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Undaunted Courage, Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, And The Opening Of The American West STEPHEN E AMBROSE

Undaunted Courage, Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, And The Opening Of The American West


Other works by STEPHEN E AMBROSE

Publication: Simon & Schuster, 1996, New York

First Edition. First Printing. Boards, with cloth spine, 511pp., illus., 6 maps. Intro., index, extensive biblio. "A biography of Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The book is based on journals and letters written by Lewis, William Clark, Thomas Jefferson and the members of the Corps of Discovery. While most of the book is dedicated to the expedition, several chapters are also devoted to Lewis's early life as a Virginia planter and Jefferson's personal secretary, and his later life as governor of the Louisiana Territory before his untimely death in 1809. The book outlines the expedition in detail including the route, interactions with Native Americans, scientific discoveries, wildlife, and landscape. As a biography, the book is focused entirely on Lewis, and Clark, Sacagawea and the others are addressed principally in their interactions with Lewis. The expedition, and Lewis' life as a whole, is placed within the broader context of Jefferson's presidency, the opening of the American west, and early Indian Policy. The text is supplemented by maps and illustrations, including some drawn by Lewis himself." Reprinted over 30 times! Fine, bright copy of this avidly sought First Printing in a fine First State of the dust jacket. Signed by Ambrose on title page.

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