Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Two Typed Letters To Julian Symons. ROGER L. SIMON

Two Typed Letters To Julian Symons.


Other works by ROGER L. SIMON

Publication: 1987,

One letter is dated March 19, 1987, and is two pages long with about 400 words and signed "Roger L. Simon." In part of the letter he explains to Symons, who was at that time President of the Crime Writers of Great Britain, of the development of an International Association of Crime Writers. He explains who the officers are and enlists Symon's aid to help further develop the association. They plan to meet at the Edgar's Banquet where Simon's book "The Straight Man," is a nominee for Best Mystery novel. The second letter is dated April 1, 1987, and thanks Symons for his favorable response to the proposal and again plans to meet with him in New York at the Edgar's Banquet. Letter is about 230 words and is signed "Roger," with a handwritten post script. Very good copies.

Inventory Number: 14999