Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Trouble In New Mexico: The Outlaws, Gunmen, Desperados, Murderers And Lawmen For Fifty Turbulent Years.Volume 3, The D'S & E'S. BILL REYNOLDS

Trouble In New Mexico: The Outlaws, Gunmen, Desperados, Murderers And Lawmen For Fifty Turbulent Years.Volume 3, The D'S & E'S.


Other works by BILL REYNOLDS

Publication: Kinko's Copies, 1995, Bakersfield

First edition. Limited to 200 copies. Inscribed by the author: "Watch Out! Gunmen stalk these pages. Bill Reynolds." Quarto. Decorated wrappers, spiral bound, (2), 303pp., preface. Discusses gunmen of New Mexico whose last names begin with "D" or "E." Complete information on each entrant along with bibliographical source information. Very fine.

Inventory Number: 13196