Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Transactions Of The Sixteenth Annual Reunion  Of The Oregon Pioneer Association For 1888, Containing The Annual Address By Rev. Thomas Condon, And The Occasional Address By Hon. E.L. Applegate, With Biographical Sketches And Other Matters Of Interest. Oregon Pioneer Association

Transactions Of The Sixteenth Annual Reunion Of The Oregon Pioneer Association For 1888, Containing The Annual Address By Rev. Thomas Condon, And The Occasional Address By Hon. E.L. Applegate, With Biographical Sketches And Other Matters Of Interest.

Oregon Pioneer Association

Other works by Oregon Pioneer Association

Publication: Press of Himes the Printer, 1889, Portland

First edition. 8vo. 22 cm. Tan pictorial wrappers. 159 [1] pp., frontispiece, portrait. In addition to minutes, various addresses, letters, Secretary's Report, Treasurer's Report, etc. offers the Constitution of the Oregon Pioneer Association with its 16 Articles. Fifteen-page poem entitled, The Camp Fires of the Pioneers by Sam L. Simpson. Sixteen pages devoted to, "an interesting and comprehensive review of the period leading up to the formation of the Oregon Pioneer Association, and a synopsis of its transactions since that time, entitled The Pioneer. Also has the Annual Address Before Indian War Veterans, chapters on Mrs. Myra F. Eells, Homon Munson Humphrey, Mr. Orville Risley, Stephen Griggs Skidmore, and Edward Long, along with a portrait of Long. Most interesting is the 41-page chapter offering the complete diary of Rev. Edward Evans Parrish who crossed the plains in 1844. Front wrapper lightly soiled else near fine copy.

Inventory Number: 35679