Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Trans-Missouri Stock Raising. The Pasture Lands Of North America: DR. HIRAM LATHAM

Trans-Missouri Stock Raising. The Pasture Lands Of North America:


Other works by DR. HIRAM LATHAM

Publication: The Old West Publishing Company, 1962, Denver

First edition thus. Originally published in 1871. Pictorial cloth, facsimile of original cover on front end sheet, map on back end sheet, xvi, 94 pp. introduction, annotated, and biographical sketches of the letter writers by J.C. Dykes. Two illus. by Buck Schiwetz. A new edition of Herd 1309. "Very Rare" (13 copies known--all but one in institutional libraries), designed and produced by Carl Hertzog. Articles include Winter Grazing in the Trans-Missouri Region; Eastern Limit of Winter Grazing - Climate, Snow and Rain Fall; The Upper South Platte - Valleys of Lodge Pole Creek, Horsetail, Beaver, Pawnee, Crow, Lone Tree, Bijou, Kiowa, Bear, Cache La Poudre, Thompson and St. Vrains; North Platte Valley - North Park - Big and Little Laramies - Sweetwater; Grazing in the Region of Pine Forests and Coal Fields; A Week Among the Herd and Flocks of the Plains; Dairying; Texas Cattle. The Great Cattle Ranches and Cattle Princes of Texas; Sheep and Wool; Portions of the Trans-Missouri Pastoral Lands Described in Detail; Sheep Husbandry in Wyoming, New Mexico and Colorado; etc. Fine in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 53541