Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Tombstones For Bluecoats. New Insights Into The Custer Mystery. W. KENT KING

Tombstones For Bluecoats. New Insights Into The Custer Mystery.


Other works by W. KENT KING

Publication: Privately Printed, 1980-1981, NP

First Editions. Quarto. 5 Volumes, Complete. Blue Stiff Wrappers. 45pp., 59pp., 39pp., 31pp., 40pp. Illustrations. Maps. Footnotes in each volume. An interesting and very detailed examination and report regarding the battlefield monument and tombstone locations from the Battle of the Little Big Horn. The author has spent years studying the battlefield and examining all available information from those who conducted the burial of the dead on the battlefield, and questions and disagrees with many traditional beliefs. A very scholarly and thorough assessment. Laid-in is a copy of a letter from the author to Todd L. Wheaton, Supervisory Historical Architect for the Rocky Mountain Region of the U.S. National Park Service, expressing his concern for the "Destruction Of Evidence At Custer's Battlefield" as a result of the Park Services intentions to reset existing wooden discovery stakes at the Reno-Benteen Site. The author offers his services and expresses his concerns that Wheaton and Park Historian, Neil Mangum are not qualified to manage the necessary surveying and are using inaccurate information for the project. A very scarce and important work.

Inventory Number: 50873