Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

To California And Back. C. A. HIGGINS

To California And Back.


Other works by C. A. HIGGINS

Publication: Passenger Department, the Santa Fe Route, 1893/1897, Chicago

First edition. 12mo. 7 5/8" x 5 1/4" decorated wrappers, 152 pp., illustrated, map. Last page is a map of the routes from Chicago to California. Bound into this booklet as the first sheet is a printed page dated May 1897 with a list of the Santa Fe route ticket offices printed on the verso. One or two sketched illustrations on most pages by J. T. McCutcheon. One or two sketched illustrations on most pages by J. T. McCutcheon. Romanticized description of a train trip via the Santa Fe Route from Chicago through Arizona, New Mexico, southern California, up the coast via the Southern Pacific, thence by Central Pacific & Denver & Rio Grande to Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. Places visited include in New Mexico - Las Vegas Hot Springs, Santa Fe, and pueblos; in Arizona - Chalcedony Park, Flagstaff, Canon Diablo, Grand Canon, and cliff and cave dwellings; in South California - San Diego, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Monica, various missions and Santa Barbara were visited; the Northern California section has a detailed description of San Francisco's Chinatown, accompanied by four full page illustrations of a street in Chinatown, an opium smoker, a Chinese restaurant, and the balcony of a Joss House; in Nevada and Utah - Ogden, Salt Lake City and the Great Salt Lake were visited; and in Colorado - Glenwood Springs, Seven Castles, Leadville, Granite Canon, Cripple Creek, Pikes Peak, Manitou, Colorado Springs and Denver were visited. Good descriptions of all the stops along the way. Light offsetting to cover edges else a fine, bright copy. A beautiful presentation.

Inventory Number: 44484