Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Three Winners. An Omnibus Edition Containing "Dead Cert," "Nerve," And "For Kicks". DICK FRANCIS

Three Winners. An Omnibus Edition Containing "Dead Cert," "Nerve," And "For Kicks".


Other works by DICK FRANCIS

Publication: Michael Joseph, 1977, London

First edition. Signed.by the author on the title page. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket. An omnibus edition containing DEAD CERT, NERVE and FOR KICKS. In DEAD CERT, jockey Alan York anticipated losing the race to Bill Davidson and his great racehorse Admiral, but this time York was destined to win. Before Admiral jumped the final fence, Bill Davidson was dead. Alan knew that horse-racing is a dangerous sport, horses fall and jockeys get hurt, but Bill also realized that this was no accident. NERVE is the story of a struggling young jockey -- a misfit in a family of accomplished musicians -- who discovers that his losing streak is not the result of a lack of talent or lack of nerve, but by something much more sinister. Finally, in FOR KICKS Daniel Roke leaves his Australian stud farm to help look into an English horse-doping scandal. Soon enough Daniel learns that men who will give drugs to horses will do much worse to people!

Inventory Number: 19511