Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Three Autographed Letters - A Montana Territory Man Gets Testy About Not Receiving His Warrant For Bear Furs WILLIAMS, J. W. [AUTHOR OF LETTERS]

Three Autographed Letters - A Montana Territory Man Gets Testy About Not Receiving His Warrant For Bear Furs


Other works by WILLIAMS, J. W.

Publication: All three letters written by J W Williams, 1885 & 1886, Red Bluff , Montana Territory, 1885, 1886

A trio of letters signed "J. W. Williams" and each one written to the Auditor of Montana Territory in Helena. In all three cases Williams inquires about a missing warrant for bear furs, getting quite testy in the third and longest letter at the fact that his warrant never arrived: ".... I can not nor I will not make afadavet [sic] that Warrant No 3069 is lost as I never had it in my possession. It never reached me at Red Buff [sic] PO - if you have not done your duty and neglected your Bisness [sic] it is not my fault. I dont [sic] think that you ever mailed the warrant to me at Red Bluff at any time ..." The letters are in near fine condition.

Inventory Number: 52323