Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Trail Of The Olympian. 2000 Miles Of Scenic Splendor - Chicago To Puget Sound Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway

The Trail Of The Olympian. 2000 Miles Of Scenic Splendor - Chicago To Puget Sound

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway

Other works by Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway

Publication: Poole Bros, Printers, 1924, Chicago

6 1/4" x 8 1/2" colored pictorial wrappers. 40 pages plus wrappers with map of the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and its connecting lines, profusely illustrated with black and white photographs of the awe-inspiring scenery along The Olympian Route. Views of "The Dells" in Wisconsin, State Capitol Building in St. Paul, Minnehaha Falls in Minnesota, Montana Canyon, the St. Joe River in Idaho, the Cascades, Rainier National Park, Pinnacle Glacier, the Olympian, etc. Fine, bright, clean, copy.

Inventory Number: 39864