Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Three Mesquiteers, Cavaliers Of The West. MARIO DEMARCO

The Three Mesquiteers, Cavaliers Of The West.


Other works by MARIO DEMARCO

Publication: Privately printed, n d (ca 1975), N P

First edition. 8vo.Pictorial stiff wrappers, 104 pp., illustrated. A photo biography of the screen's greatest "trio" action western stars. The original Mesquiteers were Guinn "Big Boy" Williams, and Al St. John. Later Syd Saylor, Bob Livingston, and Ray "Crash" Corrigan starred in many of 51 Mesquiteer films to follow. Various stars such as Max Terhune, John Wayne, Duncan Renaldo, Ray Hatton, and Bob Steele also acted in the series. An excellent filmogarphy of The Three Mesquiteers provides a specific reference to each film, including the names of actors in each episode. There are biographical essays about John Wayne, Duncan Renaldo, Bob Livingston, Raymond Hatton, and many others. Fine, unread copy.

Inventory Number: 15729