Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Taming Of The Sioux. FRANK FISKE

The Taming Of The Sioux.


Other works by FRANK FISKE

Publication: Bismarck Tribune, 1917, Bismarck, North Dakota

First edition. Cloth with pictorial paper over cloth on right side of front panel, 186pp., 16 photographic plates. A history of the Dakota Sioux from the days of Lewis & Clark through the early 1900's. Much information on the Battle of the Little Bighorn including the Indian side of the battle as told by Sioux warrior Paint's Brown. Also much about the death of Sitting Bull, the Messiah Craze, and Wounded Knee. A resident of Ft. Yates, North Dakota, the author offers much information as told to him by participants, and not available elsewhere. "A chapter on the Little Big Horn fight, including the account of Oglala warrior Paints Brown, a battle participant. Also covers the Messiah Craze, the death of Sitting Bull, and the Battle of Wounded Knee."--O'Keefe 845. Half-inch closed tear to bottom edge of the rare dust jacket, else an exceptionally fine copy in a fine dust jacket. In addition, photographs (6" x 4") of Sioux Chiefs John Grass and White Bull, attributed to Fiske on negatives, laid-in. A rare work...especially in the original dust jacket! This beautiful copy is protected in a custom slipcase.

Inventory Number: 52910