Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction


The Suspect


Other works by JOHN LESCROART

Publication: Dutton, 2007, New York

First edition. Fine in dust jacket. Set in San Francisco. "Even though she’d just told him she wanted a divorce, and even though he told a traffic cop who tagged him for speeding that he was leaving town so that he wouldn’t kill his wife, nature writer Stuart Gorman can’t understand why the police regard him as their prime suspect after she’s found drowned in their hot tub. It’s true that Stuart is the person who found her the next morning, pulled her out and tried to administer CPR to a corpse already stiff with rigor mortis. And it’s true that Dr. Caryn Dryden’s death makes him a multi-millionaire. But he couldn’t possibly have killed Caryn, he points out, because he was up at Tamarack Lake when she died. In that case, Insp. Sgt. Devin Juhle wants to know, how could a neighbor have identified Stuart’s SUV pulling into his garage at 11:30 p.m. and leaving again an hour later? It must be a mistake, replies the suspect, who doesn’t even want to retain counsel because he’s convinced that the best way to clear himself is to play detective."

Inventory Number: 45290