Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Surrender And Death Of Crazy Horse. A Source Book About A Tragic Episode In Lakota History HARDORFF, RICHARD G. [COMPILED AND EDITED BY]

The Surrender And Death Of Crazy Horse. A Source Book About A Tragic Episode In Lakota History


Other works by HARDORFF, RICHARD G.

Publication: The Arthur H Clark Company, 1998, Spokane

First edition. 8vo. Blue cloth, 288 pp., preface, introduction, illustrated, 2 maps. appendices, index, and extensive bibliography. A thoroughly-researched compilation of first-hand accounts of the death of Crazy Horse at Ft. Robinson, Nebraska Territory, in 1877. The editor has grouped these accounts together by the type of source: personal interviews of witnesses, official military documents, and newspaper accounts. Includes interviews with such notables as: William Garnett, Baptiste "Big Bat" Pourier, Louis Bordeaux, American Horse, He Dog, Eagle Hawk, and several others. Excellent footnotes. Fine in transparent, unprinted, protective dust jacket. Recommended.

Inventory Number: 43335