Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Surrender And Death Of Crazy Horse. HARDORFF, RICHARD G. [EDITOR].

The Surrender And Death Of Crazy Horse.


Other works by HARDORFF, RICHARD G. .

Publication: The Arthur H Clark Company, 1998, Spokane

First edition. #28 of Collector's Edition limited to 50 Numbered and Signed copies. Leather, 288pp., illus., 2 maps. Intro., appendices, index, and extensive biblio. A thoroughly-researched compilation of first-hand accounts of the death of Crazy Horse at Ft. Robinson, Nebraska Territory, in 1877. The editor has grouped these accounts together by the type of source: personal interviews of witnesses, official military documents, and newspaper accounts. Includes interviews with such notables as: William Garnett, Baptiste "Big Bat" Pourier, Louis Bordeaux, American Horse, He Dog, Eagle Hawk, and several others. Excellent footnotes. "Crazy Horse is one of the most famous of the Plains Indians and his death was a great tragedy for the Lakota. Thirteen interviews of witnesses to his last days are supplemented by thirty pages of Department of the Army and Office of Indian Affairs, and accounts from sixteen newspapers from Denver to New York. A genealogy for Crazy Horse is also included."--Clark/Brunet 132. An important record. As new.

Inventory Number: 52815