Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Salt Lake Tabernacle And World Famed Organ / [Title Page] The Mormon Tabernacle With Its World-Famed Organ And Choir LEVI EDGAR YOUNG

The Salt Lake Tabernacle And World Famed Organ / [Title Page] The Mormon Tabernacle With Its World-Famed Organ And Choir


Other works by LEVI EDGAR YOUNG

Publication: Bureau of Information, 1930, Salt Lake City

7 1/2" x 5 1/4" in stiff pictorial wrappers printed in yellow, blue and green. 40 pp. Illustrations from photographs. Portraits. Frontispiece [Temple Square, The Tabernacle Organ]. The purpose of this little book is to give something of the history of the Tabernacle and Organ, which is generally regarded as one of the greatest in the world. History of the Tabernacle and its construction followed by information on the world-famous organ. The organ contains 700 pipes and is constructed primarily of locally derived materials, the pipes included those from wood, zinc, as well as tin and lead alloys. Specifications of the various organs to include the Great Organ, Celestial Organ, Swell Organ, Orchestral Organ, Solo Organ and Pedal Organ. This booklet provides photographic illustrations of construction of both the Tabernacle and the organ as well as important people involved. Covers very lightly soiled and with light wear to the extremities. Very good.

Inventory Number: 48947