Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction


The Red Ledger


Other works by FRANK L. PACKARD

Publication: The Copp, Clark Co, Limited, 1926, Toronto

First edition. A hybrid edition. Copp Clark often bought sheets from the U.S. publisher and added its own title page, as in this case published in the U.S. by Doran, it has the required publisher’s logo on the copyright page. Packard was Canadian and, while this edition is usually catalogued as the true first edition, it more likely was published simultaneously with the U.S. edition. It is in a Hodder & Stoughton dust jacket, probably married. Additionally has Packard personal bookplate on the front pastedown sheet and on it he has inscribed in ink the words "To J. J. C. Frank L. Packard." Front and rear hinges lightly cracked, else a very good copy in a brilliant and fresh dust jacket with a small piece of cellophane tape on the verso reinforcing the head of spine and a corner. Ewen Stranway answers an advertisement to meet an old gentleman who has told him that he is in debt. At his flat, he removes from his safe a large book bound in red morocco in which it lists his debts. When he was very poor, Stranway's father had given him a dime. Now, fabulously wealthy, he desires to pay back all those who helped him ---- as well as those who did not ---- and he recruits Stranway to continue when he is too old to handle it himself. Eight untitled stories disguised as a novel.

Inventory Number: 52841