Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Railroad Santa Fe System Lines

The Railroad

Santa Fe System Lines

Other works by Santa Fe System Lines

Publication: Santa Fe System Lines, 1939, Chicago

11" x 8-1/4" in colorful pictorial wrappers. 32pp. including wrappers. The rear wrapper shows the Evolution of the Santa Fe Trail. Double column text. Numerous illustrations to include pictures of engines dating but not all inclusive from 1877 through 1938, manual track laying, locomotives being reassembled, different railroad cars such as a tank car, the caboose, box car et.al. Information on railroad history, early steam locomotives, American progress, the old Santa Fe Trail when pack mules, oxen and caravans of freight wagons were used. Describes the new Santa Fe Trail which was of the iron horse. The American railroads are one of our country's largest consumers, buying enormous quantities of almost everything we produce. Information pertaining to the safety, speed and comfort on the railroads. Suggests how important it is to travel on the railroad to get a wonderful view of the vastness of these United States, its scenic wonders, its strange and interesting places and people. Short closed tear to bottom of rear wrapper else a nice copy.

Inventory Number: 39170