Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Pueblo Flood In Word And Picture JOHN MARTIN

The Pueblo Flood In Word And Picture


Other works by JOHN MARTIN

Publication: RC Reeves, 1921, Pueblo

6 1/4" x 9 1/2" oblong in brown printed wrappers. 2 pages of text followed by 24 pages of photographs and also a large (5 3/4" x 36" oblong) fold-out picture at center of booklet depicting "Part of the Flood Devastation in Pueblo, Colo. June 3rd, 1921." Text describes what it was like to be in Pueblo during the ruinous flood. Photographs of the utter destruction to various streets, the bridge over Fountain River, railroad areas, residential areas, etc. Light wear to the oversized wrapper extremities, l" closed tear to one of the pages, and appears to be damp warping to entire booklet. Tied at spine with brown twine. Very interesting photographs of a devastating period in Pueblo's history.

Inventory Number: 34765