Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Pinkertons And The Phantom Of Radio City (Cover Title) EDWARD RADIN

The Pinkertons And The Phantom Of Radio City (Cover Title)


Other works by EDWARD RADIN

Publication: Macfadden Publications, Inc, 1949, New York

First edition. 8vo. 8 1/4" x 5 1/4" printed wrappers, [4], 24 [7] pp., foreword. A true crime story from the files of the Pinkerton Detective Agency that took place in New York City. A phantom burglar was robbing the Center buildings on Fifth Avenue of securities, diamonds, jewelry, etc. and the office doors were all locked. Despite all types of security precautions, including the presence of Pinkerton and police standing guard, the robberies continued, all offices remained locked, and the robber escaped each undetected. The case was puzzling and made even more-so because the robber "may be one of the 1,700 employees, one of the 35,000 office workers in the various buildings, or one of the 128,000 daily visitors." Who was the robber, how was he making entry into the businesses, and how was he escaping? Moderate wear to the spine and extremities, internally clean, overall a good copy.

Inventory Number: 39483