Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Old Man And Lesser Mortals.  LARRY L. KING

The Old Man And Lesser Mortals.


Other works by LARRY L. KING

Publication: The Viking Press, 1974, New York

First edition. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket. Short stories by the author known as "the Texan with the Mencken touch." A collection of pieces the author wrote for the Atlantic Monthly, Holiday, Life, and Harper's.The down home touch of a Texas boy surprised he really made it in the world of big names comes through in most of his articles, be they about politicians, football heroes, fading comics, country-western singers, lawyers, his father, being a Nieman Fellow at Harvard. An old-fashioned liberal rather sentimental about the passing of the good old days." Two especially fine stories are The Old Man and A Country Lawyer and How He Grew. Each of the stories is particularly good because of the author's close personal involvement with the subjects: his late father and an old dear friend named Warren Burnett. Splendid reading.

Inventory Number: 11955