Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The North American Cowboy: A Portrait. JAY DUSARD

The North American Cowboy: A Portrait.


Other works by JAY DUSARD

Publication: Consortium Press, 1983, Prescott

First edition. Quarto. Cloth, gold stamping on front cover and spine, tan colored endpapers, 123 [1] pp., frontispiece, foreword, introduction, illustrated, plates, portraits. Foreword by John Nichols. Introduction by Kurt Markus. "From 1981 to 1983, Jay Dusard traveled throughout western North America, riding with working cowboys, vaqueros and buckaroos, photographing them with his 8 x10 view camera. In all, he covered 25,000 miles, working at about 45 ranches in Canada, Mexico and the United States. The resulting photographs depict with clarity, honesty and beauty the men and women of the range while avoiding the tendency many photographers have to reduce them to a series of visual and cultural cliches. Dusard, shares his experiences while working on this project in detailed notes, while the book's text discusses the various types of cowboys." Eighty-three photographs of cowboys of various ranches including Canada, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, California, New Mexico, and Mexico. An excellent book of the cowboy, said to have been issued in a small edition. Former owner's inked name, address and date on front pastedown sheet else a fine copy in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 46553