Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The New Hudson Terraplane For 1936  Bringing Fine Car Features To The Low Price Field Hudson Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan

The New Hudson Terraplane For 1936 Bringing Fine Car Features To The Low Price Field

Hudson Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan

Other works by Hudson Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan

Publication: Hudson Motor Car Company, 1936, Detroit

First edition. 28 x 19.5 cm [7 1/4" x 11"], original color, oblong, pictorial wrappers, n. p. [20 pp.], text illustrated throughout with exterior and interior views from black-and-white photographs, red highlights, printed on coated white stock. Bound in color-pictorial wrappers with a bold, front-end view of a 1936 Terraplane on the front cover. Specification details on the rear cover. [WorldCat finds holdings of this title at the Library of Michigan and Harvard Business School.]. Fine, bright copy.

Inventory Number: 43457