Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The New Hudson Sixes And Eights For 1936. A Style Event, A Size Sensation Hudson Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan

The New Hudson Sixes And Eights For 1936. A Style Event, A Size Sensation

Hudson Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan

Other works by Hudson Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan

Publication: Hudson Motor Car Company, 1936, Detroit

First edition. 28 x 19.5 cm [7 1/4" x 11"], original color, oblong, pictorial wrappers, n. p. [28 pp.], text illustrated throughout with exterior and interior views from black-and-white photographs, blue highlights, printed on coated white stock. Bound in color-pictorial wrappers with a bold, front-end view of a 1936 Hudson on the cover. Specifications details are presented on the rear cover. [WorldCat finds holdings of this title at the Library of Michigan and Hagley Museum.]. Fine, bright copy.

Inventory Number: 43456