Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The New Departure. Two Horse, Straddle-Row Tongueless Cultivator! Pattee Plow Company, Monmouth, Illinois

The New Departure. Two Horse, Straddle-Row Tongueless Cultivator!

Pattee Plow Company, Monmouth, Illinois

Other works by Pattee Plow Company, Monmouth, Illinois

Publication: HS Hill, Printer, 1882, Peoria

6" x 3 1/2" in pictorial wrappers. 27 pp. including wrappers and 9 ruled pages for notes. In 1861 James H. Pattee founded a flour mill and ran a prominent business until in the late 1860's he began receiving patents for improvements in farm implements. His signature invention was founded in 1872, for which he received a patent. The "New Departure Cultivator" was a tongue-less cultivator that offered a new generation in implements offering more agility in tillage operations and decreased weight in the implement. Information on and illustrations of the New Departure Tongueless Cultivator and of the Steel-Arch and Steel-Beam Sulky Plow. Offers information on how to prepare the cultivator for transportation on the road and further how to prepare the cultivator for use in the fields. Price list for Cultivator extras and repairs and also for Sulky extras and repairs. Illustrations of cultivator in position for the road and in position for the field. List of advantages of the New Departure Cultivator. Full-page caution declaring the "The New Departure" is fully protected by broad patents. Inside front cover are calendars for 1882 & 1883. Top corner of first 3 pages creased; written in pencil on inside cover states Clara Green her book 1883; written in pencil on inside rear cover states May 6th Mrs. McCoy died. Soiling to both covers as well as agents stamp to front cover. Very good.

Inventory Number: 37357