Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Neverslip Neverslip Manufacturing Company, Boston, Massachusetts

The Neverslip

Neverslip Manufacturing Company, Boston, Massachusetts

Other works by Neverslip Manufacturing Company, Boston, Massachusetts

Publication: Privately printed, nd (circa 1900), N P

3-1/4" x 6" oblong pictorial wrapper of a sure footed horse wearing Neverslip calks pulling a couple in a sled. 12pp. to include the wrappers. Illustrations. Testimonials. The Neverslip calks are steel-centered, self-sharpening and removable calks for horseshoes. They are made and used for the purpose of giving a horse a secure foothold on icy and slippery streets, climbing hills or any work which requires perfect footing. Illustrations of styles of Neverslip Calks. Explains which Neverslip Calk to choose suitable for the work you have in hand. In order to change the calks, you would use a Neverslip Wrench. Chart showing size of calks to use which depends on the weight of the horse(s). Fine copy.

Inventory Number: 41913