Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Mushroom Jungle. A History Of Postwar Paperback Publishing. STEVE HOLLAND

The Mushroom Jungle. A History Of Postwar Paperback Publishing.


Other works by STEVE HOLLAND

Publication: Zeon Books, England, 1993, Wiltshire, England

First edition. 8vo. Pictorial stiff wrappers, xii, 196 [8] pp., acknowledgments, foreword, introduction, numerous illustrations, many in color, appendix, select bibliography, about the author, index. An excellent historical reference of postwar paperbacks.that reveals the origins and history of these publishers, together with the story of popular authors and artists of the period. As new, bright unread copy, without dust jacket, as issued.

Inventory Number: 8569