Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Morris Ten-Four (Series "M") Automobile MORRIS INDUSTRIES EXPORTS LTD

The Morris Ten-Four (Series "M") Automobile



Publication: Printed in Great Britain by the Morris-Oxford Press Ltd, 1939, Cowley, Oxford, England

First edition, 8 3/4" x 11" oblong, color decorated, stiff wrappers, 19 [1] pp., foreword, illustrated (mostly in color), vehicle specifications. This is the "Export Edition" list "M/109" and cancels all previous lists. The 1939 models have a number of features that provides a vehicle of outstanding design, performance, exceptional riding qualities, excellent economy, and a high degree of safety. A two-page listing of the outstanding features of the new Morris Ten-Four is provided in color. The car is available as a four door sedan, with either a fixed or sliding head, and in five colors, maroon, blue, green, tan, and black. At the center of the booklet is a two page (8 3/4" x 22") diagram of the car that details all the salient features and advantages of the Morris Ten-Four. Four pages are dedicated to provide complete details and explanations of the vehicles' specifications, including pictures in color. A "GUARANTEE" is furnished that provides protection to the first owner for six months for replacement of either defective materials or defective workmanship. A handsome booklet that is fully illustrated and detailed. Fine copy.

Inventory Number: 42756