Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Mineral Wealth, Climate, And Rain-Fall, And Natural Resources Of The Black Hills Of Dakota. WALTER P. JENNEY

The Mineral Wealth, Climate, And Rain-Fall, And Natural Resources Of The Black Hills Of Dakota.


Other works by WALTER P. JENNEY

Publication: Government Printing Office, 1876, Washington

First Edition. Self-Wrappers, protected in Half- Leather and Cloth binding. 71pp. Large folding Map. Senate Report. 44th Congress, !st Session. Ex. Doc. No. 51. Issued by the Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, 1876. United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Black Hills. Being Chapters V, VI, and VII of the Forthcoming Final Report of the Exploration of the Black Hills, Made Under the Direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in 1875. The Custer Expedition into the Black Hills in 1874 provided reports on gold that were based on information and activities of the practical miners, rather than from information and observations by the geologist who accompanied the Custer Expedition. Because of the need for more detailed information, in 1875 Jenney and a group of scientists, entered the Black Hills from Fort Laramie and conducted a comprehensive examination of the area. This preliminary report is the result because the Senate wanted information quickly about gold in the area. Herd 1170 says, "Has a section on stock raising." Described by Jeff Dykes in Catalog 40 as a "Range Rarity" in 1980. An attractive copy of this detailed report. The important map is 17.75"x15.75", and in near perfect condition...clean and bright with no splits at the folds.

Inventory Number: 50173