Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Mineral Belt. Volume Ii - Old South Park - Denver To Leadville.  An Illustrated History Featuring The Denver, South Park & Pacific Railroad And The Gold-And-Silver Mining Industry Of The Fabulous Mineral Belt Of Colorado DAVID S. DIGERNESS

The Mineral Belt. Volume Ii - Old South Park - Denver To Leadville. An Illustrated History Featuring The Denver, South Park & Pacific Railroad And The Gold-And-Silver Mining Industry Of The Fabulous Mineral Belt Of Colorado


Other works by DAVID S. DIGERNESS

Publication: Sundance Publications, 1978, Silverton, Colorado

First edition. 4to. Quarter cloth and color pictorial paper over boards, plat map on front endpapers, old caboose on rear free fly leaf, 416 pp., acknowledgements, introduction, numerous illustrations mostly from photographs, frontispiece, many illustrations in color, plates, portraits, maps, including station map in the rear pocket, index. This is copy number 2635, signed by the author and then further inscribed "To -- -- Kindest regards" all appears on the half title page. Featuring the Denver, South Park & Pacific Railroad, and the gold and silver mining industry of the fabulous mineral belt of Colorado. This volume covers Old South Park-Across the Great Divide. Fine, bright, unread copy in the original transparent vinyl dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 52917