Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Mimes Of The University Of Michigan Union Announce Their 24th Production Merrie-Go-Round University Of Michigan

The Mimes Of The University Of Michigan Union Announce Their 24th Production Merrie-Go-Round

University Of Michigan

Other works by University Of Michigan

Publication: Dickinson Brothers, 1929-30, Grand Rapids

10" x 7" pictorial wrappers. 40pp. including wrappers. Advertisements. Black and white illustrations. Portraits such as the "President of the Mimes - President Alexander G. Ruthven," "Mimes of the University of Michigan Union," "Composer of Music," et. al. List of characters and cast, girls' chorus, special men's chorus, the scenes, musical numbers, orchestra et.al. Acknowledgements. Nice copy of an interesting brochure.

Inventory Number: 37959