Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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The Memoirs Of A Venus Lackey. DEREK MARLOWE

The Memoirs Of A Venus Lackey.


Other works by DEREK MARLOWE

Publication: Jonathan Cape, 1968, London

First edition. Author's second novel. Fine in price-clipped dust jacket. In his coffin awaiting judgement, a once-celebrated playboy and eccentric reflects on the life of debauchery that led him prematurely into limbo. At the young age of 18 he launched his career as a professional lecher, finding himself spell-bound to the intoxicating Antonella. On that same day, at his father's death-bed, he inherits an extensive fortune and his alter-ego ... the satanic Catesby. Nineteen years later, having pursued his lost first love in the boudoirs of hundreds of others and having declined from glamorous idol into bankrupt alcoholic, he is confronted once more by Catesby ... slowly driving him into total and terrible madness.

Inventory Number: 14712