Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

The Lone Ranger Of The Silver Screen And Television. MARIO DEMARCO

The Lone Ranger Of The Silver Screen And Television.


Other works by MARIO DEMARCO

Publication: Mario DeMarco, nd (ca 1955), N P

First edition. 8vo. Stiff pictorial wrappers, 100 pp., illustrated. Provides much Information on books, movies, TV shows, etc. dealing with The Lone Ranger. An interesting reference.to all the Western heroes that have acted in the role of The Lone Ranger. The list includes Billy Bletcher, Brace Beamer (the Lone Ranger on radio), Bob Livingston, etc., but the man best identified in the role is Clayton Moore. A wealth of information on Tonto and the actors who portrayed him, as well as sketches about Clayton Moore from former cowboy movie stars. Fine, unread copy.

Inventory Number: 3595