Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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The Killjoy. ANNE FINE

The Killjoy.


Other works by ANNE FINE

Publication: The Mysterious Press, 1987, New York

First U.S. edition. Fine in fine dust jacket. Ian Laidlaw is a quiet, cultivated, and efficient man. He is also the head of the political science department at a Scottish university. The left side of his face bears a hideous scar which is why his colleagues tend to avoid looking at that side of his face. His days are uneventful until he meets Alicia Anna Davie. There is a side to Ian that fascinates Alicia and draws her into a relationship that she feels she is ready to explore. As she toys with ugliness and danger, Ian becomes locked into an obsessive passion at once disorienting and hideously destructive. Alicia's crime is the carelessness of youth and Ian's punishment reflects the dislocation of his universe.

Inventory Number: 20180